Key Pillars
We believe enduring success can only be built on a foundation of responsible business practices, which is why our pillars of corporate responsibility are key to providing industry leadership that grows our business in socially responsible ways.
We also recognize the impact we have on our communities, customers, employees and stakeholders, and as such, are committed to embedding responsible business practices into our business model, including commitments to assess sustainability-related risks and capture value-added opportunities, support diversity and inclusion, provide a safe and healthy environment for all employees, and promote a culture where all of our employees share the foregoing commitments.

Hollywood Memorial Park | Union, NJ
Our Future
Sustainability Efforts
We are working towards a more sustainable future for both our business and the planet. To do this, we are:
- Performing regular emissions air modelling of some of our crematoriums to track the particles of combustion released into the atmosphere and to assess our impact on the environment;
- Exploring different carbon offset programs to protect the health of our planet;
- Implementing energy and water conservation initiatives where feasible;
- Piloting fuel-efficient methods of performing lawn care maintenance at certain cemeteries;
- Replacing equipment/machinery with more energy-efficient technologies;
- Providing spoils (extra dirt from cemeteries) from certain cemeteries to city contractors for use in connection with urban renewal projects; and
- Participating in a metals recycling program by collecting leftover metals post-cremation.

Integrity Funeral Home at Forest Lawn Cemetery | Houston, TX
Code of Conduct
At Park Lawn Corporation, we hold all our employees to the highest standards of honesty, fairness and integrity. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics sets forth our expectations for ethical conduct, outlines how to take action if issues arise, establishes best practices for anyone acting on our behalf and includes guidelines to help employees deal appropriately with a broad range of issues like:
- Compliance with laws, rules and regulations (including insider trading laws);
- Discrimination and harassment;
- How to ask questions and voice concerns about ethics issues; and
- Processes for reporting and handling violations.

Bustard & Jacoby Funerals, Cremation & Receptions | Casper, WY
Workplace Safety & Development
We are committed to ensuring a safe workplace for all of our employees and place a strong focus on our performance in health and safety outcomes and process improvements. Our Health and Safety Policy, along with our periodic workplace safety training programs, sets out clear processes to reduce risks of injury and to promote a safe and healthy work environment.
We continue to place a strong emphasis on the well-being and development of our people. This focus has led to the following initiatives:
- We have established the “Heart of the Company” committee which:
- Offers employees meaningful and accessible grief support and education through seminars and workshops;
- Facilitates programs for employee health and well-being; and
- Oversees a companywide assistance program for those suffering a tragic or catastrophic loss.
- Our Employee Assistance Program provides confidential access to professional counseling services to employees facing personal issues.
- Our industry educational assistance program provides apprenticeships and internships to individuals studying as embalmers/funeral directors.
- Providing extensive Leadership and Development Training through various tools such as Arbinger Institute and The Predictive Index.